
The Methods That Cone Crusher Works Best

Every people understand the machinery are aware that the machinery is in need of care, only take good care of machinery at ordinary times, the production performance can achieve the best when we operate them. Crusher is a sophisticated machine, so the timely maintenance and correct operation are necessary. We all know that the mining crusher refers to the crushing machinery whose content is  more than 50% of the total content, the row compound particle size is greater than three millimeters. It is invented by British Hengan. according to the feeding and nesting size, the crushing operations are often divided into coarse crushing, medium crushing and crushing. The commonly used equipments are compound crusher, single stage hammer breaker, vertical crusher, gyratory crusher, roll crusher machines, double roll crusher, combo crusher, and so on.
So exactly what should we do to make the crusher maximize their effectiveness? The main things we should do are the following:
First , timely replace the wear parts such as machine liner, fixed screw. These parts are not timely replacement will affect the balance of the entire machine state, ranging from the impact of the amount of production, while it will damage the machine. If you wait until its completely strike, the loss of business.
Second, some of the new workers think that if we want to improve the production of crusher, the materials feeding amount are required to improved , in fact, this is a wrong way of thinking, too much filler block feeding port, then the machine will appear outside material idling internal phenomenon, the production efficiency but reduced. It also clog the feeding ports, it is filler material particle size is too large, it will also lead to the inside of the machine idling. Both cases, the machine not only benefits but also consumes power, so be sure to avoid.
Third, in the cone crusher operation process,  a lot of energy will be produced, this energy will damage the machine's components if they can not be discharged. Cone crusher should always check it will be the temperature when the oil temperature is too high, it is necessary to the timely shutdown check the reason to avoid greater damage.
Fourth , the materials feeding of applicated cone crusher is a notification, the material discharging are also need to pay attention, if the materials is too slow, then the production will be affected, so we need to make sure that the materials feeding amount and mateials discharging amount are balanced, Thus, you will be able to achieve the maximum production efficiency.

Cement mill price : http://www.hxjqcrusher.com/Cement-mill.html

Belt conveyor : http://www.china-crusher.com/belt-conveyor1.html
Stone crusher : http://www.ore-machine.com/crusher.html
Ore vibrating feeder : http://www.best-crushers.com/vibrating-feeder.html

Cooling Machine : http://www.hxjq-crushers.com/cooling-machine.html
Cement making plant : http://www.best-crushers.com/cementmill.htm

