
The Energy-saving Effects of Coal Slurry Dryer

Slime dryer that have the features of energy saving, lower loss is the best product that cater to the trend of the times,and welcomed by the majority of users, our company are constantly research this aspects to let the slime dryer energy becomes more efficient, according to our years production dryer experience,we have found a good way to let the slime dryer more energy efficient, now I summed up here for you to share: The two methods that maximum realize the energy-saving effects :
First , Maximum use the heat to conduct the drying operation, this is a the  goal every dryer production enterprise pursue , four methods can achieve energy saving of slime dryer, which is one of the various links in the drying process in reducing heat loss. When heat certain circumstances, to minimize the heat loss, so that the thermal energy for the drying operation, again to improve the efficiency of drying. Generally, the heat loss of the drying machine does not exceed 10%, and the insulation suitable medium-sized production device, heat loss is about 5%. Therefore, good drying system insulation work, but is not thicker, the better the insulation layer, should determine an optimum insulation thickness. Generally use the blower and induced draft fan in order to prevent the leakage of the drying system, used in tandem, to make reasonable adjustments to state operation of the system is zero pressure, to avoid convection dryer drying medium leakage or ambient air leaking into drying The decline in the efficiency of the machine hot.
Second, reduce the evaporation load of the dryer is the second method to improve the drying efficiency, before the material enters the dryer, the pre-dehydration treatment by filtration, centrifugation or the evaporator evaporation, etc., the increased mass of the solid content, reduce the evaporation of the dryer load, which is one of the most effective energy-saving method of drying equipment. For liquid materials (such as solutions, suspensions, emulsions, etc.), before drying pretreatment can also be energy saving, is the use of water was heated in a convection dryer for material utilization is air sensible heat, while preheating refers to the utilizaiton of the steam or heat, and so on. For spray drying, the preheating of the feed solution is also beneficial to the atomization.

Dry Mining Equipment : http://www.hxjq-crushers.com/drum-dryer.html
flour dryer : http://www.ore-mills.com/rotary-drum-dryer.html
high efficiency thickner : http://www.ore-machine.com/ore/64.htm


The Fine Selecting Effects of Magnetic Separator

The magnetic separation equipments of our country are various, classification methods are also more. According to the magnetic field strength, which can be divided into weak magnetic field magnetic separator, magnetic separator, high magnetic field, according to the selecting media, which can be divided into dry magnetic separator, wet magnetic separator; , electromagnetic separator. Currently of magnetite Hill mainly dry magnetic separator with permanent lump ores preselection wet permanent magnetic drum magnetic separator rougher sweep the election, Picks and Tailings sorting equipment is to large-scale, dedicated and efficient development. 
Protect resource, protect environment, conservate energy, with the modernization forward of the country , the full utilization of resources and recycling are received more and more attention, one of the research and development direction of the magnetic separator is how to solve lean ore Liansheng, the comprehensive utilization of the ore body , as well as tailings recycling, mineral processing equipment design and manufacturing process of considering how to further protect the environment, save energy] With the development of permanent magnet materials, the weakly magnetic separator magnetic system is gradually permanent magnet, strong magnetic separator high gradient magnetic separator has a permanent magnet or electromagnetic combine to reduce energy consumption and improve the performance of the magnetic separator, ore utilization improved, and the effective protection of the environment.
Preselection in the magnetic separation plant has been promoted in the application of strong magnetic iron ore lump ores with permanent magnet dry magnetic separator. In rough broken, broken lump ore dry magnetic separation function will be thrown more than 80% of the waste rock mixed with ore grinding processing capacity, and to improve the grade of the ore into the mill, crushing and into the mill, reducing energy consumption. Hengrui Machine Equipment Co., Ltd. began respectively to in CT2DG-1214N, CTDG-1220N-type permanent magnet large pieces of ore dry magnetic separation machine, which CTDG - 1220N dry magnetic separator is the largest domestic processing capacity, structural dry magnetic separator, single maximum processing capacity of 1 500 t / h, the maximum selected nuggets diameter 350 mm, the technology used in the production of 272,600 tons of annual increase production of iron ore concentrate, 5702, the additional annual effective . 870,000 yuan.
The exchanges and communication with customers we continously carried out not just make us learn the customers better, but more importantly let us to view the questions from customers' perspective, and solve the problem for the customer ! Achieve the purpose of the enterprises more efficient, more customers save costs and improve the speed of market reaction, accelerating technological innovation, systematic quality management, reduce production costs, allow consumers to enjoy the benefits and capture more business opportunities in the rapidly changing competitive market.

Ore Rod Mill : http://www.hxjqcrusher.com/crusher/rod-grinder.html


The Methods That Cone Crusher Works Best

Every people understand the machinery are aware that the machinery is in need of care, only take good care of machinery at ordinary times, the production performance can achieve the best when we operate them. Crusher is a sophisticated machine, so the timely maintenance and correct operation are necessary. We all know that the mining crusher refers to the crushing machinery whose content is  more than 50% of the total content, the row compound particle size is greater than three millimeters. It is invented by British Hengan. according to the feeding and nesting size, the crushing operations are often divided into coarse crushing, medium crushing and crushing. The commonly used equipments are compound crusher, single stage hammer breaker, vertical crusher, gyratory crusher, roll crusher machines, double roll crusher, combo crusher, and so on.
So exactly what should we do to make the crusher maximize their effectiveness? The main things we should do are the following:
First , timely replace the wear parts such as machine liner, fixed screw. These parts are not timely replacement will affect the balance of the entire machine state, ranging from the impact of the amount of production, while it will damage the machine. If you wait until its completely strike, the loss of business.
Second, some of the new workers think that if we want to improve the production of crusher, the materials feeding amount are required to improved , in fact, this is a wrong way of thinking, too much filler block feeding port, then the machine will appear outside material idling internal phenomenon, the production efficiency but reduced. It also clog the feeding ports, it is filler material particle size is too large, it will also lead to the inside of the machine idling. Both cases, the machine not only benefits but also consumes power, so be sure to avoid.
Third, in the cone crusher operation process,  a lot of energy will be produced, this energy will damage the machine's components if they can not be discharged. Cone crusher should always check it will be the temperature when the oil temperature is too high, it is necessary to the timely shutdown check the reason to avoid greater damage.
Fourth , the materials feeding of applicated cone crusher is a notification, the material discharging are also need to pay attention, if the materials is too slow, then the production will be affected, so we need to make sure that the materials feeding amount and mateials discharging amount are balanced, Thus, you will be able to achieve the maximum production efficiency.

Cement mill price : http://www.hxjqcrusher.com/Cement-mill.html

Belt conveyor : http://www.china-crusher.com/belt-conveyor1.html
Stone crusher : http://www.ore-machine.com/crusher.html
Ore vibrating feeder : http://www.best-crushers.com/vibrating-feeder.html

Cooling Machine : http://www.hxjq-crushers.com/cooling-machine.html
Cement making plant : http://www.best-crushers.com/cementmill.htm


Significance of Cone Crusher for the Water Conservancy

In recent years, due to the urgency of the water conservancy construction, China has consciously risen the status of water conservancy construction to an important position in the national strategy. As we all know, the construction of water conservancy project construction requires a lot of aggregate, while cone crusher, sand making machine is the most commonly used artificial aggregates production equipment.
Insiders said that with the support of the national policy on water industry intensified, water conservancy sector will usher its "golden development period. This shows that a wide range of applications in the field of water conservancy construction cone crusher equipment, it will usher in a golden period of development.
It is reported that Chinese investment in water resources planning and protection are insufficient, resulting in many water conservancy facilities fell into disrepair, becoming serious pollution. Droughts and floods in China this year to some extent Water planning and construction is imminent. With the strong development of the water conservancy project, the application of the cone crusher is bound to be a rapid expansion.
Water conservancy increase protection of agricultural products in accordance with the stated objectives, especially to maintain the stability of agricultural production, is the most important, also will be the most aggressive. In the case of inflationary pressures continue to increase, it is expected that future water conservancy investment will double the growth in 2011 to reach about 400 billion to 500 billion yuan of scale, and the investment policies support the continuation of the long-term the decade total investment is expected to reach the number trillions. Invested such a huge project, around the water conservancy construction is bound to cause a fiery situation, then, cone crusher, sand making series of aggregates production equipment turn a policy to pull the market demand for high tide, cone crusher and other equipment manufacturers should ready as soon as possible to fill the vacancy of market demand.
Our company has always gone in accordance with the policy of the state, and insight into the market, so the heavy machine production equipment of our company have never backward, our heavy machine cone crusher have constantly updated and upgraded, which gradually become the main demand of the market!the heavy machine production cone crusher our company produced have the features of large crushing force, high efficiency, high handling capacity, low-cost action, easy adjustment, economic and other characteristics.

China sand washer : http://www.mine-crusher.com/sandwasher.htm

dryer drum : http://www.hxjqcrusher.com/crusher/cement-dryer.html
wet magnetic separator : http://www.ore-mills.com/magnetic-separator.html


How the Virtating Screen Sieve the Wet Materials

Recently, most regions of the country has entered the rainy season, the arrival of the rainy season makes some of the material easy wet, the vibrating screen is prone to be clogged when vibrating the wet materials ,because the wet materials have a certain viscosity,they bonded into a group or adhere to the screen surface to the otherclogged sieve,thus, the effective screening area of the screen surface is reudced , leading to the decline of screening efficiency ,and  the screening process is difficult to complete . So how the vibrating screen screen the wet materials?
The vibrating screen uses the transducer excitation generated by the multiplexed rotation vibration to work. Oscillator on the rotating weight make the screen surface plane do whirling vibration, while the lower rotating weight cone rotary vibration sieve surface, and their joint effect is the complex rotary-type vibration sieve surface. Vibration trajectory is a complex space curves. The curve in the horizontal projection is a round. Adjust the exciting force under rotating weight, and then you can change the amplitude.change the spatial phase angle under the weight,we can change the shape of the curve of the sieve surface trajectory ,and then change the trajectory of the screen surface material.
Main categories of vibrating screen are as follows: linear vibrating screen, high frequency vibrating screen, circular vibrating screen, vibration sieve, excitation-vibration sieve, ternary vibration sieve, variable frequency vibrating screen, probabilistic linear shaker arc shaped vibrating screen,the  playing arm vibrating screen.
Vibrating screen equipment since birth, over a long period of development, has been in continuous improvement and growing range of screening materials, some wet and the difficulty of screening materials, shaker difficult role to play, but after a Shanghai Hill Kai machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd. technical staff have been efforts, Hill Kai vibrating screen has been screening all kinds of materials and wet materials dry sieving.

Seiko collection assembly and load commissioning equipment required in the factory and check all indicators qualified only after the factory, equipment shipped to the scene, the user should be packing list and equipment invoices check the entire machineThe parts are complete technical documentation has flaws.
After the equipment arrived at the scene, they should not be directly rested on the ground, but should be smoothly placed in the flat sleepers, and the distance from the ground is required not less than 250mm . If they are stored in the open air,the anti-tarpaulin should be covered to prevent wind and rain erosion.

spiral separator : http://www.ore-mills.com/screw-classifier.html
Jaw crusher : http://www.crusher-export.com


Analysis of Mining Industry Future Development

With the accelerating process of mining, the underground mine is mined much deeper than before , and many open pit mines have begun to enter the underground mining. which means the ore mining will be more and more difficult, the need for large-scale mining equipment requirements are also increasing. And now the country is integrated coal mine planning into a pattern of small place, small-scale mining, the gradual conversion to the pattern of large-scale mines. The mountain climbers Heavy enterprise staff also lamented, mine development rapidly becomes higher requirements for mining machinery and equipment, they have to research more effort to design a better performance, more practicality strong mining machinery and equipment. Only the pace of development of mining equipment, in order to allow a more stable development of the China Mining. The essential equipments of mining are crusher, the mining crusher refers to the crushing machinery whose content is   more than 50% of the total content, the row compound particle size is greater than three millimeters. It is invented by British Hengan. according to the feeding and nesting size, the crushing operations are often divided into coarse crushing, medium crushing and crushing. The commonly used equipments are compound crusher, single stage hammer breaker, vertical crusher, gyratory crusher, roll crusher machines, double roll crusher, combo crusher, and so on.

As we all know, the society now is a "resource" type society, how to find a good exploitation of resources has also become a topic at home and abroad. on the one hand, national ore reserves, on the other hand we need to meet the demand of national mining. With the pace of mining, mineral processing equipment should further follow-up, the ore crushing gravel production line impact breaker, cone crusher created more and more high. The competitiveness of the domestic production of the mine series equipment manufacturers have to make to strengthen the job. Only the better quality of the domestic mining machinery plant equipment, the technology is better guaranteed to win in the competition and foreign manufacturers of mining machinery. Thus prosperity to the country's mining industry, rather than hundreds of millions of dollars of large mining equipment purchased from abroad.
Only under the conditions of the global, national market, and constantly adjust mine "need" and "seeking" to,can we ensure the mines in the country can smoothly and profitability survival . Of course, we hope more mineral products can be exported to foreign countries, the national economic construction will be more prosperity .

Jaw crusher : http://www.mine-crusher.com/jawcrusher.htm

symons cone crusher : http://www.ore-mills.com/cone-crusher.html
impact crusher : http://www.ore-mills.com/impact-crusher.html


Reason of the Impact Crusher Widely Applied

 In the field of ore crushing,the figure of impact breaker are  everywhere. It is normal that people will ask : why the impact breaker  can be applied so widely ? Our company found that, in fact, this is inseparable to the features of impact breaker itself .
The first point , when we use the impact crusher, its materials selection scale is much wider than the other crushing machine, as long as the materials of the particle size is not more than 500 mm ,these kinds of material can be used to be crush. In addition, if it is applied to rough broken , it can even crush the materials whose  diameter is two cubic meters . Impact crusher is such a kind of machine, crushing enterprises can either  use them to  conduct the rough broken, and can also be used for fine crushing, it is undoubtedly save the acquisition costs of machinery equipment.
At the same time, when this impact crusher is used for crushing materials ,  most of the finished products produced are in cubic shape. This kind of product meet the needs of many construction fields, such as highway pavement of high-grade construction, the construction of hydropower facilities are in need of strict construction materials, while the products of impact Crusher just meet this demand.
There is another point makes the  crushing enterprises favorite  impact crusher this kind of device,  that is  its simple structure, easy installation. When crushing enterprise use this Crusher, it is unnecessary to install the complex foundation ,we can simple install them . Even in way, the machine will not appear the phenomenon of vibrating when they work .  In addition, the simple structure principle also makes maintenance or repair operation workers can easily, and ensure the smooth production of company .

The crusher is widely used in mining, metallurgy, building materials, road, railway, water conservancy and chemical industry and many other sectors. Common crushing machines are winnowing mill, hammer crusher, impact crusher, roll crusher, compound crusher. Jaw crusher (jaw crusher), having large crushing ratio, uniform particle size, simple structure, reliable operation, easy maintenance, operating costs and economic characteristics. PF-I series impact crusher can process materials side length is 100 to 500 mm, the compressive strength is up to 350 MPa, great crushing ratio, cubic particles advantages of material was broken; PF-II series impact crusher machine, suitable for crushing hard materials, such as cement crusher, with a production capacity of the material advantages of small particle size.
With these excellent features, the impact crusher  is definitely favored by the impact crusher, and be widely used by the enterprises.
 spiral separator : http://www.ore-mills.com/screw-classifier.html
Raymond mill : http://www.mine-crusher.com/raymond-grinder.html


The Development Future of Grinding machinery Industry

The construction of chinese high-speed railway, the increase demand of clean power demand, the rapidly increased urbanization process, all bring the most indirectly benefits for the crushing machinery industry . From the international market, with the economic recovery after the international financial crisis era, the same broad vision of the machinery industry market. International Mould & Metal & Plastic Industry Suppliers Association, Luo Baihui hint, labor costs, the price of comparative disadvantage are the main elements of the Chinese construction machinery low-end products with strong competitiveness, with the deepening of the economic expansion method change, this competition the disadvantage would be difficult to be continuous. We all know that according to the feeding and nesting size, the crushing operations are often divided into coarse crushing, medium crushing and crushing. The commonly used equipments are impact breaker, compound crusher, single stage hammer crusher, vertical crusher, gyratory crusher, roll crusher machines, double roll crusher, combo crusher, and so on.
It is also for this that the high-end and Raymond manufacturers  integration will become the two main lines of the machinery industry expanded in the future, which is a construction machinery enterprises underappreciated, beyond new opportunity for expanded competition. Currently, a skills revolution brewing a new breakthrough is in the start-up period, a number of key areas, the international division of labor and trade format will emerge deep-grade transfers. Most of China's construction machinery industry in the low end of the international division of labor, will face a major fight. To the domestic high-speed rail, highways and large ports to establish, for example, these areas are proposed for construction machinery high reliability requirements of high-precision, high-end construction machinery course inevitable.
Besides, the other main driving force of modern crushing machinery industry is the integration of all powers of enterpries, Concentrated different enterprise disadvantages . In 2009, the government announced the implementation of the relevant departments hurried into the views of the group of enterprises Chief emphasis will belong mechanical engineering machinery production industry as a country-driven and chief emphasis on group's focus on one of the line jaw breaker price industry. It is also based on the familiarity of the objective environment, many of the construction machinery industry leader planned domestic market at the same time, through mergers and acquisitions of foreign famous construction machinery crusher enterprises and R & D institutions, improve their own resource strength, speed up the international market development.
 Cone crusher supplier : http://www.crusher-export.com/cone_crusher.htm
Cone crusher : http://www.mine-crusher.com


Detailed Classification of the Home Crusher

Nowdays, the highway, railway, rural roads, construction sand and other industrial buildings are all need the application of crusher machine . Most of the gravel crushers are used for crushing of granite, limestone, marble, blue and white stone, and other hard stone particles, solid particle content of greater than three millimeters total displacement of more than 60% of the solid particles requires a crusher crushed. Domestic manufacturing and production crusher enterprises, but the more famous is our cmpany, the crusher types our company produced are various, and widely used in mining, metallurgy, building materials, road , railway, water conservancy and chemical industry and many other sectors.
If we divide the crusher according of the types, two types are produced- medical crusher and mining crusher. Medical crusher is mainly used for the crushing of the stones of the various organs of the human body, and general physical resonance stones crushing of the human body, it can avoid a lot of the medical risks and medical incidents. Mine crusher for all kinds of stone crushing, according to the principle of broken particles of different sizes and different products, and can be divided into many models in China, commonly used crusher Crusher, is rotary crusher, hammer breaker, compound crusher, hydraulic cone breaker and roll crusher and so on. The crusher is widely used in mining, metallurgy, building materials, road, railway, water conservancy and chemical industry and many other sectors. Common crushing machines are winnowing mill, hammer crusher, impact breaker, roll crusher, compound crusher. Jaw crusher (jaw crusher), having large crushing ratio, uniform particle size, simple structure, reliable operation, easy maintenance, operating costs and economic characteristics. PF-I series impact breaker can process materials side length is 100 to 500 mm, the compressive strength is up to 350 MPa, great crushing ratio, cubic particles advantages of material was broken; PF-II series impact breaker machine, suitable for crushing hard materials, such as cement crusher, with a production capacity of the material advantages of small particle size.

Many Chinese crusher manufacturing and R & D companies adhering to the decades of experience in the manufacturing, research and development, and always adhere to the principle of seeking truth from facts, and efforts to engage in innovative research and development, strict quality control, no recycling recalled mechanical implementation of the international development strategy, and international standards, promote leapfrog development of the enterprise, and to make a contribution to the development of innovation for China's domestic industrial economy.
Cement production line : http://www.mine-crusher.com/cement-line.html
Dryer machine : http://www.hxjq-crushers.com/dryer.html


The Green New Times of Crusher

In recent years, to promote the development of Chinese economy, improve the national income , the government investment to the heavy industry are gradually increase.
Mining machinery crusher has become an important pillar of Chinese national economic development, which has been widely used in industrial construction, and is indispensable to China's industrial equipment. With the continuous development of science and technology, the development of the crusher are constantly in our new discovery in the crusher, injected new innovative technology, has laid a solid crusher better applications in industry foundation.
In environmental protection and energy saving era , our government's investment to the green production and technology research of crushing industry has exceeded the other countries. "Green" is a symbol of vitality, as the main colors of the natural vegetation. "Green" is about preventing the deterioration of the natural environment, improve the environment to make it suitable for a work of human labor and life. "Green" reflects the natural human yearning Chong along the beautiful natural pursuit, and for environmental protection, governance and ultimately to achieve harmony with nature.  Environmental protection is the human conscious conservation of natural resources and make reasonable use to prevent contamination and destruction of the natural environment; comprehensive management of the contamination and destruction of the environment must be prepared( such as the waste produced by the hammer crusher), to create the environment suitable for human life and work. Environmental protection are the various actions taken by humans to solve real or potential environmental problems, and to coordinate the relationship between humans and the environment to ensure sustained economic and social development of the general. The methods and means includes:engineering technology, administration, legal, economic, publicity and education.

Our company has become one of important company whose main work is green production, and main philisophy are to promote the economic growth , and pratice enviroment protect.  Low-carbon environment has now become the main purpose of the development of the industry of crusher, chinese crusher development  has entered the era of green development.

The economic globalization has deeply rooted in our country, the energy saving, low-carbon have become the major trend of the development of various economic undertakings, and this trend has become the the crusher industry development direction. Told the development of China in this day and age, we have to look to see the world, drawing on the experience of other countries. Now some developed countries have developed their technology revolution with the core part of high efficiency, low-carbon.
Chinese government made extraordinary efforts and remarkable achievements in this regard, in this time of global economic develop rapidly, indevelopment innovation, chinese will not miss this green production, at the same time, the green production of crusher will make impressive constribution to it. 
Cone crusher manufacturer : http://www.china-crusher.com/cone-crusher5.html
Hammer crusher : http://www.hxjqcrusher.com/crusher/Hammer-crusher.html


How to promote the Innovation Development

 Due to the large mineral resources development and utilization, the available resources continues decrease, the ore mining grade gradually dwindles, as a result, the smelting and subsequent processing of the ore-dressing product quality requirements are increasing. At the same time, human environmental awareness is increasing. These realities put forward more requirements to the mineral processing equipment ,thus promoting the mineral processing equipment to develop toward the direction of bigger, better and efficient energy-saving  .
Although our country has abundant mineral resources, with the rapid socio-economic development, the demand for a variety of mineral resources increased dramatically; the rather low prevalence exploitation of our mineral resources, technical content and low prominent phenomena are widespread . In the global  resources shortage times, the form of extensive management will become increasingly undesirable. The beneficiation equipment (such as the impact breaker)are equipment of mining, refining, beneficiation equipment development of high efficiency is the most important of the mining machinery industry, the good news is, a lot of mining machinery and mining equipment companies have invested a lot of money and effort into beneficiation equipment high the efficiency of innovation and technology, has made ??great development of innovative mineral processing equipment.
Accelerate the beneficiation equipment development in  industry, use the technology to imitate the technology for tracking the technological innovation, technology integration transformation, with the rapid social development, environmental protection, low-carbon energy has gained the production and development, mineral processing equipment industry is also upgrading , improve the product quality, improve production efficiency, reduce equipment energy consumption and environmental pollution should be noted to ensure the achievement of sustainable development. In addition, with the strengthening of the global exploitation of mineral resources, China's exports of mineral processing equipment continued to grow, according to industry data showing a strong momentum of development.
Our company forges ahead in the competitive market, the advanced digital, intelligent automation based mineral processing equipment we researched and developed occupy the commanding heights of industry. Our company gained popularity , now the equipment we produced has become China's large-scale mineral processing equipment, crushing machinery production and export bases. facing the economic demand of low-carbon energy development , our company independent innovated on the equipment design , and finally  developed a variety of mineral processing equipment, they  have already invested in the market and gained highly popularity of the customers,  making great contribution to the sustainable edvelopment for the entire mining machinery industry.

Sand washer supplier : http://www.china-crusher.com/sand-washer3.html
ore beneficiation : http://www.mine-crusher.com/news_115.htm


Work Principle Introduction of the Vibrating Screen

According to the structure and working principle of the screening machinery, it can be roughly divided into the following categories:
(1) Fixed Screen Working part is fixed, the material screening relys on the sliding movement along the working face. Fixed grid screen is a kind of screen that applicated more in the concentrator. Which is used for the coarse crushing or medium crushing in the pre-screening. It is simple in structure, convenient manufacture, does not consume power,we can directly unload the ore to the screening surface. The main disadvantage are the followings : the  productivity is low, the screening efficiency is low , which is generally only 50-60%.
(2) Roller Screen The working face is constituted by the horizontally arranged rolling shaft, there are plates on the rolling shaft ,the fine materials are obtained through the gap between rollers or plates. the bulk materials are driven by the roller to one end and finally discharged from the other end. The concentrator rarely use this sieve.
(3) the cylindrical sieve The working portion is the cylindrical shape. the entire sieve  rotate around the axis of the cylinder, in the general case, the inclination cylinder axis is usually not very large . Fed into the material from one end of the cylinder, the finer level materials adopted by the screening hole of the cylindrical working surface , coarse-grained materials are discharged from the other end of the cylinder. The rotational speed of the cylindrical screen is very low, works smooth, power balance is good. But the sieve is easy to plug, screening efficiency is low, and the work area is small,  productivity is low. The concentrator rarely use it to make the screening equipment.
(4) plane motion sieve The body wobbles or vibrates in-plane . According to their their plane motion trajectory, it is divided into linear motion, circular motion, elliptical motion and complex motion. Shaking screen and vibrating sieve (different from the vibrating grizzly feeder)fall into this category. Shaking screen crank linkage as transmission parts. Motor drives the eccentric shaft rotation  via a belt and pulley , so the body  do the reciprocating movement along a certain direction through the connecting rod . The movement direction  Perpendicular to the strut or suspended rod line ,duo to the the oscillating motion , the materials on the screening face move towards the discharge mouth at a certain speed, at the same time, the materials get screening .
Compared with the above sieves, the shaking screen has the advantages of higher productivity and high screening efficiency . The disadvantage is that the poorly balanced driving force . Concentrator rarely use it nowdays , but replaced by the vibrating sieve whose structure is more reasonable .

Sand washing plant : http://www.ore-machine.com/sand-washer.html
Impact crusher : http://www.ore-machine.com/impact-crusher.html


General Knowledge of the Rotary Dryer

What is rotary dryer ?
Let me tell you now, it is a kind of  drying device. The materials in the drying rotating cylinder coaxial  columns sets are dried by the lifting process of spiral blade and intermittent spiral lifting plate exhumation between the inner and outer cylinder   .
The work principle of the rotary dryer:
Rotary dryer adopts the sleeve sets column structure to doubled   shorten the length of the dryer,duo to the radiating surface is significantly reduced, resulting in heat consumption decreased,  so the thermal efficiency is greatly improved by the double increase of the heat exchange surface. As to the materials which can not touch the tobacco materials, multi-drum rotary dryer provided the inner and outer cylinders respectively within the smoke pipe and the annular pipe, the energy-efficient is same. It is not difficult to see that this machine is the most ideal sleeve rotary cooler for the hot feed and cold media.
Rotary dryer features:
1. high degree of mechanization, large production capacity,   continuous operation.
2. Structure is excellent, simple, material running smooth through the barrel resistance, easy operation.
3. Less failure, low maintenance costs, low power consumption.
4 Wide application scale, good dry product uniformity.

Rotating the structure of the dryer
Rotary dryer can be designed based on the user needs, such as the gas furnace, combustion chamber or supporting hoist, belt conveyor, quantitative feeder, cyclone, induced draft fan.
The main parts of the cylinder are as follows: the front roller circle, rear roller rings, gears, gear roll; drag roller, pinion, discharging part, Yang plate, reducer, motor, hot air channel, feed chute, furnace part .
Installation and Commissioning of the dryer:
1, the installation of the dryer should be strictly carried out according to the requirements on the assembly drawing and foundation drawing  , before the installation of the dryer, we should clear all spare parts of the rotary dryer to gurantee the clean and completeness of equipment.
2, since the dryer is a long body large equipment, so the installation should be carried out according to this method:
cross the program baseline, made the right crosshairs on the basis of standard board , level the high line, the center baseline should achieve the standard , including the consideration of not being covered.
 installed the base and the tugboat
Level the horn location, draw the center line of the base, tugboat, in accordance with the requirements of the drawings, identify the location of the installation of the base with the tugboat tone flat positive first foundation hole grouting, when the concrete reaches a certain intensity, tighten the anchor bolts. After the re-inspection,  install the cylinder.


Commonly Problems Analysis of the Dryer

The dryer is mainly used to dry certain humidity or granularity   materials  in mineral processing, building materials, metallurgy, chemical industry and other departments.
The rotary dryer's  materials adaptability is strong, can be used to dry various materials, and the equipment is simple and reliable, so it is widely used.
In the production process, if done incorrectly,   multiple issues will appear, the following are the analysis of the commonly problems of dryer, including the problems reason and solutions.
[1] dryer raw materials fire
1. improper use of the dryer equipment;
2. The dryer equipment is too small to achieve the drying effect,  and force heat to cause a fire;
3 dryer equipment design principle problems;
4 the raw materials suction does not work,  which leads to the dryer in fire.
1, consulate with the manufacturer to obtain a copy of the device manual to learn the correct way to use the dryer;
2, replace or retrofit dryer equipment;
3, require manufacturers to replace or retrofit dryer equipment;
4, check whether the dryer equipment is installed correctly ,  leaks , increase the air pressure or not.
[2] raw materials does not dry once time 
1, the dryer is too small;
2 wind net wind pressure, flow calculation error;
3. Dryer's improper use.
1, increase the temperature of the dryer, but this method is easy to cause a dryer fire, the best way is to replace or modify the drying equipment.
2, based on the actual situation, ask the dryer manufacturers to provide change programs design  on the basis of re-calculating wind pressure, flow rate   .
3, consulate with the manufacturer of the dryer to obtain equipment manual to learn the correct way for using;
[4] dryer blasting
Dryer temperature is too high, resulting in drying equipment fire;
2, dryer equipment plugged.
1, reduce the temperature of the dryer;
2. Clean the dryer equipment.
[5] splitter chimney material
1, the dryer separator is too small;
2, separator design error;
3, dryer air mesh wind pressure calculation error.
1, replace or retrofit dryer separator;
2, negotiate with the dryer manufacturers for the settlement design;  
3, consultation with the manufacturers.
[6] materials wet and dry is uneven, system bar of the dryer machine can not work properly.
1, drying equipment used improperly;
2, dryer raw materials get lumps (such as the northern winter raw thawed group).
1,  consultation with the manufacturer to obtain equipment manual to learn the correct way for using;
2, crush the lump materials ,and then dry them. 


How to Select the Dryer Heat Carrier

Dryer (dryer) machine is a kind of commonly used drying apparatus whose operation is simple, the process amount is large. the decision of the heat carrier and the choice of its highest temperature depend primarily on its pollution tolerance ,the processed materials properties , and the other factors. The matters we need to note are mainly the following four points:
1, if the dry objects are not allowed to be contaminated, and does not allow air to dilute, the heat should go through the drum wall to enter, at this time, the drum should be loaded in the bricks indoors, the outer should be accessed the flue gas,we can also  set out barrel shelters pipe or tube these surface heat exchanging devices, The heating medium may be flue gas, steam, or electrical heating.  2, if the processing material is not allowed to be contaminated (like the materials be processed in the rotary kiln), and the necessary temperature gas is high, we can use the furnace for the heat carrier, this product is energy saving and environmental protection  ,the heat obey is high, the combustion gas through cleansing disposal penalty can be used again,  the gas stove in energy efficiency is energy-saving 20% than the burner ,and the manual costs are saved much.  Generally, the normal operation of   gas furnace only need one operator, in addition, this machine can use and stop un-continuously, it can does not work  as long as 10 days.3, if the processing solid materials are not afraid of high temperature, and not the non-final products, we allowed the processing materials to be slightly contaminated, the stove or flue gas can be used as the heat carrier, and we can  obtain a high volume rate of evaporation .For example, for drying the materials which contain higher water content , when using the gas inlet temperature of 300 degrees,  the dryer volume the evaporation rate is 5kg/M3/h ,heat obedience to 30% -50%; if the gas inlet temperature is 500 degrees, volume evaporation rate is 35kg/M3/h; thermal obedience is 50% -70%.  4  we can also use the direct heating,that is to say,  the heat is transferred from the metal wall to the dried materials, rather than rely on hot air and material directly contact, such as the external heating tumble dryer.
If the dryer (dryer) does not contain the heat carrier, we can imagin that the dried material contained moisture can not be carried out, the  dried materials can not be quickly dried. And the provision of heat carrier device is not random, we need to  determine it according to the nature of the material itself.


Beneficiation Knowledge about the Ore Grades

Ore grade / ore grade Minerals bit, also known as the ore grade, refers to the degree of enrichment , unit content of useful component metal deposits and non-metallic deposits (such as apatite, sylvite, fluorite, etc.). Which is the main indicator to measure the quality of mineral resources, which is usually expressed in% g / t, g / meters.
The ore grade determines the  value level,    develop utilization, process  and utilization of direction , production technology process of mineral resources  .According to the content of useful minerals, mineral bits are divided into three categories: (1) Cut-off grade. This is the lowest grade to divide the ore and non-ore boundaries , the materials which have not met this indicator are called as rock or mineralized rock; (2)   average grade. the ore body,   ore block or the entire mining area reaches the total average grade of?industrial  ore reserves  , which has been used to gauge the level of mineral rich and the poor; (3)   industrial-grade, or critical grade.  The minium average ore grade that can be used in industry , that is, in the current economic conditions,   the minimum grade that can be used in the technology research and develop ment.
In general,the high grade ore is bonanza, otherwise known as lean ore. The higher the bit of minerals, the  use value is greater , the production and technical indicators are better; the lower the grade,   the utilization value is smaller,   the production  technical indicators are worse.different mineral resources   grade requirements indicators are not the same. For example,in Chinese regulation, the iron ore industry grade is 20-60% ,  the general requirements of manganese ore manganese content is20-25%, the amount of aluminum bauxite should be more than 40%. , Smelting technology continues to progress with the development of the productive forces (such as the ore beneficiation technology ), and the ore critical grade changes gradually .Such as the early 19th century, people only develop the mine whose copper content is larger than 10% , but today , the mine whose copper content is only 0.5% be exploited .

When carrying out the ore trade, we need to understand the Folk habit way  of various price calculation and specific units .1, gross tons (natural tons): contains the packaging,the direct weighing weight 2  metal tons   : price according to the metal contained in the ores,for example : unit lead ore grade of 100 ton is  45% , after conversing , the metal tons = 100 tons X45% = 45 tons of metal 3.  tons degree: per ton per degree.  4. dry tons: the weight after deducting the moisture. 5 .grams ton:  the  contained grams  number of metal in per ton ore , which is commonly used in the gold, silver and other precious metals.


How to Improve the Quality of Impact Crusher Rotor

Due to the impact crusher (sand making machine) long-term works in harsh conditions, it exacerbate the rotor bearing wear. Without rotor ,the crusher can not work, the rotor is irreplaceable for the crusher.  But it is also fragile,  the  bearing switch is not only expensive, but also   difficult, which often resulted the production halts. How to take effective measures to improve the life of impact crusher rotor bearing is  the largest concern for our customers . We need to pay more attention to the  normal conditions  of impact Crusher (sand making machine) rotor :
1)Rightly choice the rotor bearing model . Double row spherical roller bearings have strong bearing capacity, aligning performance these advantages, so this bearings is many peoples'  good choice. In addition, the calculation of the selected bearing life should be 5000 ~ 10000h .
2)  Improve the crusher bearing force status. The role of impact loading on the bearings depends on the impulse acting on the rotor and the bearing support flexibility. Increased bearing support flexibility will reduce the impact load bearing. for this, we can add the appropriate thickness of rubber between the bearing and the support frame board in order to improve the bearing support flexibility. Because of adding the rubber plate, increasing the support softness, thereby absorbing a part of the vibration energy and improve the bearing stress condition, finally  achieved the purpose of prolonging lifetime.
 3) Reasonable adjust the cooperation relationship between each other. The main force impact crusher rotor bears is the impact load, each part of roller cone bears different  load impact   , the roller cone which under the force of unit load impact  bears the largest force, when the inner and outer ring raceway contacts with the rolling body,  the force is the largest. Duo to the non-stop rotation of the inner ring work, the point of contact on the track will recycle from the maximum force to the minium force , therefore the inner ring is required to cooperate tight, so it will not appear the phenomenon of one point staying in the  maximum force point . while the outer ring is different, the outer ring is relatively fixed, the  maximum force  points will stay in a fixed point, therefore, if the outer ring is loose, it is likely to move slightly under the impact load,  thus increase the maximum force points, and extend the life of the outer ring.


Reason of the Crusher Dispose Dust Improperly

The crusher dust seriously affect the production capacity of the crusher (crusher) and the health of workers, facing the large amount of dust  crusher produced, our technicians provide professional crusher dust problems for our crusher customers , I hope it is helpful to you.

What problems the crusher dust improper dispose will cause ? The following is detail explanation:
◆(Crusher)the general baghouse filter area of crusher is small, ventilation is generally inadequate , dust cover and crusher cavity are difficult to form a slightly negative pressure, therefore, the dust of the working environment is large,  which is not conducive to breathing.
◆ Precipitator dust enter into the pipeline, the system resistance is increased at the elbow of the inlet tube , the bend parts are susceptible to  be wearied and clogged by the dust. If we adopt the screw conveyor and sub-grid transport wheel baghouse to collect dust ,the power consumption will increase, mechanical maintenance workload will increase too; we often  need to demolish the under sub-grid wheel feeder, if this situation lasts a long time, the under feeder flange will leak air ,it will exacerbate the ash bucket air leakage.
◆ When crushing materials humidity is high (after raining or the materials be caught in a shower) ,the dust particles be sent into the precipitator is larger than the dry crushing materials, the bag-type dust collector is easy to be pasted,  the under feeder is easy to be jammed,  this will bring about the significant increase of the bag-type dust collector ventilation resistance , and the ventilation capacity is decreased, of course the dust problem will be more serious .
◆ In the process of the materials fall from the belt conveyor, the air and the material went together into the closed dust cover, the dusty air spread to the outside of the cap through the crevice and orifice hood walls ,which pollute  the environment. In addition, due to incorrectly set of the belt-corner dust point , open and stop of the precipitator is almost no impact to head dust of the lower belt conveyor . Therefore, since the 5th rock crushing machine was put into use , this dust collector almost does not work, the upper belt conveyor has been in the diffuse dust.
◆ The failures of baghouse and supporting parts are more, which not only affect the normal dust disposition, but also increase the equipment maintenance workload.from the view of equipment maintenance statistics ,the  spare parts' poor quality are important reason of equipment failure .
In order to reduce the dust caused by the crusher housing air leakage , in the actual production, people often water the materials at the mouth of crushing ,  its result is intensify the baghouse filter bags paste and  the under feeder blockage. Because  people often  conduct intermittent clean to the baghouse , when the precipitator works normally , the division round air leakage is  a question that should not to be neglected.

Design Knowledge of Crusher Hammer and Disc

Although hammer crusher is a mature mining crushing equipment, for its design, we must not sloppy. The following is the knowledge introduction to the design and calculation of crusher's hammer and disc:
◆ The hammerhead design and calculation of hammer crusher
Its design mainly refers to the structural design. As the hammer head shape, quality, materials are very influential to the crusher production capacity, Especially the shape to the quality distribution, full use of the materials. As to the more detailed discussion on the hammerhead structure design and related improvements ,you can see it in the topic. In short, hammer is the main working parts. Its Shape, structure design have far-reaching economy effects to their work ability , the production capacity of the entire machine.  Hammerhead shape is generally divided into light, medium and heavy these three types. This model of hammer crusher refers to the medium-sized hammer design,and related calculations.
The hammer crusher can also use the high manganese steel as its design materials . Hammerhead material selection problem is a very critical issue to improve its abrasion resistance. The choice of material depends on the working conditions and requirements of the working parts. Because the  crusher always crush the limestone these medium hardness materials. People usually use high carbon steel to forge or cast. adopt high manganese low alloy steel, some is coated with appearance Carbide. Some high chromium cast iron, its wear resistance is several times greater than the high manganese steel hammer . As to the choice of materials: you can see the part of topic-improve wear resistance hammerhead specialized exposition.we don't described in detail here, In short, hammerhead choice of materials is not only related to the working life of the hammer bit, the production capacity of the machine, production efficiency, and is also related to various aspects of economy.

◆ Disc structural design and calculation of the hammer crusher
Each pin requires 8 hammers. If the disc is used suspension hammerhead,then it requires a total of nine discs,this depends on the design requirements. Two discs on the sides, the common feature is that one side is equipped with the locking nut, the other end is positioned by the shaft shoulder. The used nut is GB-812-85 , so that each disc is evenly distributed six round hole,we can use 6 pin shaft to suspend hammerhead,  The size of the disc depends on the diameter of the rotor, the size of the diameter of the rotor is the basis of the disc design size. Therefore,we can know the rotor diameter is 800mm according to its model, the disc size value is in a certain range. the circular hole size is approximately equal to the hammer hole size.

Operation Precautions of Jaw Crusher

Jaw crusher should be installed above the concrete foundation,and plus  skids or rubber to reduce vibration when working.
Jaw crusher's (jaw crusher) operation: the correct operation of the crusher  is one of the important factors that guarantee the crusher works properly, improper operation or negligence in the operation are often caused equipment and personal accidents. Correct operation is to  follow the rules strictly.
The preparatory work Before starting : careful examination before starting the crusher, the check contents are: crusher tooth plate wear situation, adjust ore discharging mouth size, whether the ore crushing cavity having ore; if large block ores exist, we must remove them,; whether the connection screws loose; whether the pulley  Flywheel protection cover is intact; whether the tightness of the triangle belt and trolley spring are suitable ;whether the lubrication system is intact; whether the electrical equipment and signal system are normal or not.

Handling Precautions of jaw crusher (jaw crusher):
1, After starting, if the crusher makes unusual beat, we should stop automatically turn, and restart after identifying and eliminating the ills .
2. When starting, Crusher must no-load , when the automatically turn is normal, we can start the ore-discharging equipment , the ore be fed into should be gradually increased until the load is full.
3. Ore discharging Should be uniform , ores are not allowed to be packed with the crushing chamber; the  maximum  mine size allowed should not be larger than 0.85 times of the ore discharging mouth size; while feeding ore, we should ban the anti-mine iron and other non-HSBC crushed materials into the crusher; once we found these non-broken materials go through the port of discharge, we should immediately notify the belt transporter in time to prevent serious equipment accidents of the next crusher , such as the impact crusher and hammer crusher.
In the operation process, we often have to pay attention to the situation of lump ores stuck to the mine mouth, sometimes use an iron hook flip or application-specific tools when operating, but not by hand to avoid an accident. During operation ,if the ore feeding are too many to choke the crushing chamber, do not stop the crusher ,but should stop ore-feeding, we should start the ore feeding machine after dealing with the ores in the crushing cavity. during working, the operator should conduct check regularly, according to to see, hear, touch and other methods to observe the various components situations of the crusher position and bearing temperature, the bearing temperature must not exceed 60 ° C, we should not immediately stop when the bearing temperature is too high, instead,we should take plus large amount of oil, forced ventilation, water-cooled these methods to reduce the temperature.

Crusher Technical Advantages Analysis

◇ Impact crusher (impact crusher) can effectively handle the material having a large amount of moisture, which can prevent crusher clogging.
When dealing with the materials having excessive moisture, impact crusher's feed chute and counterattack board can be equipped with a heating device to prevent the adhesion of the material. Impact crusher is not required to be equipped with the bottom screen ,it can effectively prevent clogging. Hammer crusher can not prevent the bonding of materials by heating, and shall be equipped with the bottom screen, this increase the possibility of clogging.
◇ Impact crusher is applicable to both soft materials and hardness materials.
The plate hammer is firmly fixed on the rotor by the mechanical clamping structure , when it moves with the rotor rotates,a great moment of inertia is produced . Comparing to the hammer crusher (hammer was hanging), impact crusher rotor has greater momentum, and suitable for crushing harder materials, at the same time, the energy consumption  is lower.
◇ Convenient and flexible adjustment to the crusher discharge size, wide range of adjustment.
Impact Crusher can adjust the particle size through a variety of ways, such as regulate the rotor speed, adjust the counter plate and the grinding chamber gap. The gap adjustment can be adjusted by mechanical or hydraulic type, hydraulic adjustment system can easily complete the adjustment of the gap through local operating button or fortune control system. While the hammer crusher regulating discharge size can only be achieved by replacing the bottom screen(comparing to the impact crusher,but not cone crusher).
◇ Impact crusher (impact crusher) wearing parts wear rate is smaller than hammer crusher, the metal utilization is higher .
Impact crusher board hammer wear area only appears on the looking materials side. When the rotor speed is normal, feed plate hammer will fall on the surface ( attack area), the plate hammer back and sides are not to be worn. Even the looking material side wear very little. And the bottom of the grinding rod is also very easy to replace.the metal utilization rate of impact crusher board hammer can be as high as 45% -48%. While the hammer of the hammer crusher was hanging, wear and tear occurs in the upper, front, rear and side, comparing to the plate hammer, hammer wear more serious, hammer metal utilization is only about 25%. And the rotor body itself may also be subject to wear. Hammer crusher wear seriously affected, and the replace work of sieve is also more complicated.
◇ Impact crusher spare parts are easy to replace, and the maintenance costs is reduced.
Crusher rotor is only installed six plate hammer, using the HAZEMAG company provided special tools ,we can easily replace the board hammer,  replace a board hammer just need one shift time. The bottom of the grinding chamber grinding rod replacement requires only ten minutes ,which can greatly reduce the time and cost of repair and maintenance.

Components Installation of the Two-stage Mill

As we all know, mining crusher refers to the crushing machinery whose content is more than 50% of the total content, the row compound particle size is greater than three millimeters. It is invented by British Hengan. according to the feeding and nesting size, the crushing operations are often divided into coarse crushing, medium crushing and crushing. The commonly used equipments are impact crusher, compound crusher, single stage hammer crusher, vertical crusher, gyratory crusher, roll crusher machines, double roll crusher, combo crusher, and so on. the crusher is widely used in mining, metallurgy, building materials, road, railway, water conservancy and chemical industry and many other sectors. Common crushing machines are winnowing mill, hammer crusher, impact crusher, roll crusher, compound crusher. Jaw crusher, having large crushing ratio, uniform particle size, simple structure, reliable operation, easy maintenance, operating costs and economic characteristics. PF-I series impact crusher can process materials side length is 100 to 500 mm, the compressive strength is up to 350 MPa, great crushing ratio.
Now, let us introduce the knowledge of two-stage crushing equipment installation:

The two-stage grinder (double stage crusher) host equipment installation :
1) two-stage grinder equipments can be installed together with the motor  on a concrete foundation or rack, the ground should be smooth, when installing ,the machine must be level.
2)The machine should be installed feeding device to ensure uniform feeding, and avoid clogging.
3) motor wiring should be strictly in accordance with the direction of  the rotor wiring rotation.
4)In order to ensure the safe operation of the gangue grinder, we must install the ammeter to control feeding,and ensure the normal load.

Installation of the two-stage grinder unit (double stage crusher):
1) each equipment should be connected firmly with each other,the pipe joints strives to be tight to prevent gas leakage, if the pipe joints leak, it will not only generate dust pollution, but also decline the production capacity and product quality.
2) electrical control cabinet should be installed at the place where is easy to operate, easy to observe the location of the equipment, various equipments' electrical connection lines  and control lines should be arranged and placed in alignment tube according to the relevant provisions of the state .
3) electrical control cabinet should be fitted with the drive button, stop button of equipment, work lights, grinder ammeter, feeding motor , grading motor speed control knob and various protective devices.
4) all two-stage shredder equipments must be installed in accordance with the relevant provisions.