
The Energy-saving Effects of Coal Slurry Dryer

Slime dryer that have the features of energy saving, lower loss is the best product that cater to the trend of the times,and welcomed by the majority of users, our company are constantly research this aspects to let the slime dryer energy becomes more efficient, according to our years production dryer experience,we have found a good way to let the slime dryer more energy efficient, now I summed up here for you to share: The two methods that maximum realize the energy-saving effects :
First , Maximum use the heat to conduct the drying operation, this is a the  goal every dryer production enterprise pursue , four methods can achieve energy saving of slime dryer, which is one of the various links in the drying process in reducing heat loss. When heat certain circumstances, to minimize the heat loss, so that the thermal energy for the drying operation, again to improve the efficiency of drying. Generally, the heat loss of the drying machine does not exceed 10%, and the insulation suitable medium-sized production device, heat loss is about 5%. Therefore, good drying system insulation work, but is not thicker, the better the insulation layer, should determine an optimum insulation thickness. Generally use the blower and induced draft fan in order to prevent the leakage of the drying system, used in tandem, to make reasonable adjustments to state operation of the system is zero pressure, to avoid convection dryer drying medium leakage or ambient air leaking into drying The decline in the efficiency of the machine hot.
Second, reduce the evaporation load of the dryer is the second method to improve the drying efficiency, before the material enters the dryer, the pre-dehydration treatment by filtration, centrifugation or the evaporator evaporation, etc., the increased mass of the solid content, reduce the evaporation of the dryer load, which is one of the most effective energy-saving method of drying equipment. For liquid materials (such as solutions, suspensions, emulsions, etc.), before drying pretreatment can also be energy saving, is the use of water was heated in a convection dryer for material utilization is air sensible heat, while preheating refers to the utilizaiton of the steam or heat, and so on. For spray drying, the preheating of the feed solution is also beneficial to the atomization.

Dry Mining Equipment : http://www.hxjq-crushers.com/drum-dryer.html
flour dryer : http://www.ore-mills.com/rotary-drum-dryer.html
high efficiency thickner : http://www.ore-machine.com/ore/64.htm


The Fine Selecting Effects of Magnetic Separator

The magnetic separation equipments of our country are various, classification methods are also more. According to the magnetic field strength, which can be divided into weak magnetic field magnetic separator, magnetic separator, high magnetic field, according to the selecting media, which can be divided into dry magnetic separator, wet magnetic separator; , electromagnetic separator. Currently of magnetite Hill mainly dry magnetic separator with permanent lump ores preselection wet permanent magnetic drum magnetic separator rougher sweep the election, Picks and Tailings sorting equipment is to large-scale, dedicated and efficient development. 
Protect resource, protect environment, conservate energy, with the modernization forward of the country , the full utilization of resources and recycling are received more and more attention, one of the research and development direction of the magnetic separator is how to solve lean ore Liansheng, the comprehensive utilization of the ore body , as well as tailings recycling, mineral processing equipment design and manufacturing process of considering how to further protect the environment, save energy] With the development of permanent magnet materials, the weakly magnetic separator magnetic system is gradually permanent magnet, strong magnetic separator high gradient magnetic separator has a permanent magnet or electromagnetic combine to reduce energy consumption and improve the performance of the magnetic separator, ore utilization improved, and the effective protection of the environment.
Preselection in the magnetic separation plant has been promoted in the application of strong magnetic iron ore lump ores with permanent magnet dry magnetic separator. In rough broken, broken lump ore dry magnetic separation function will be thrown more than 80% of the waste rock mixed with ore grinding processing capacity, and to improve the grade of the ore into the mill, crushing and into the mill, reducing energy consumption. Hengrui Machine Equipment Co., Ltd. began respectively to in CT2DG-1214N, CTDG-1220N-type permanent magnet large pieces of ore dry magnetic separation machine, which CTDG - 1220N dry magnetic separator is the largest domestic processing capacity, structural dry magnetic separator, single maximum processing capacity of 1 500 t / h, the maximum selected nuggets diameter 350 mm, the technology used in the production of 272,600 tons of annual increase production of iron ore concentrate, 5702, the additional annual effective . 870,000 yuan.
The exchanges and communication with customers we continously carried out not just make us learn the customers better, but more importantly let us to view the questions from customers' perspective, and solve the problem for the customer ! Achieve the purpose of the enterprises more efficient, more customers save costs and improve the speed of market reaction, accelerating technological innovation, systematic quality management, reduce production costs, allow consumers to enjoy the benefits and capture more business opportunities in the rapidly changing competitive market.

Ore Rod Mill : http://www.hxjqcrusher.com/crusher/rod-grinder.html


The Methods That Cone Crusher Works Best

Every people understand the machinery are aware that the machinery is in need of care, only take good care of machinery at ordinary times, the production performance can achieve the best when we operate them. Crusher is a sophisticated machine, so the timely maintenance and correct operation are necessary. We all know that the mining crusher refers to the crushing machinery whose content is  more than 50% of the total content, the row compound particle size is greater than three millimeters. It is invented by British Hengan. according to the feeding and nesting size, the crushing operations are often divided into coarse crushing, medium crushing and crushing. The commonly used equipments are compound crusher, single stage hammer breaker, vertical crusher, gyratory crusher, roll crusher machines, double roll crusher, combo crusher, and so on.
So exactly what should we do to make the crusher maximize their effectiveness? The main things we should do are the following:
First , timely replace the wear parts such as machine liner, fixed screw. These parts are not timely replacement will affect the balance of the entire machine state, ranging from the impact of the amount of production, while it will damage the machine. If you wait until its completely strike, the loss of business.
Second, some of the new workers think that if we want to improve the production of crusher, the materials feeding amount are required to improved , in fact, this is a wrong way of thinking, too much filler block feeding port, then the machine will appear outside material idling internal phenomenon, the production efficiency but reduced. It also clog the feeding ports, it is filler material particle size is too large, it will also lead to the inside of the machine idling. Both cases, the machine not only benefits but also consumes power, so be sure to avoid.
Third, in the cone crusher operation process,  a lot of energy will be produced, this energy will damage the machine's components if they can not be discharged. Cone crusher should always check it will be the temperature when the oil temperature is too high, it is necessary to the timely shutdown check the reason to avoid greater damage.
Fourth , the materials feeding of applicated cone crusher is a notification, the material discharging are also need to pay attention, if the materials is too slow, then the production will be affected, so we need to make sure that the materials feeding amount and mateials discharging amount are balanced, Thus, you will be able to achieve the maximum production efficiency.

Cement mill price : http://www.hxjqcrusher.com/Cement-mill.html

Belt conveyor : http://www.china-crusher.com/belt-conveyor1.html
Stone crusher : http://www.ore-machine.com/crusher.html
Ore vibrating feeder : http://www.best-crushers.com/vibrating-feeder.html

Cooling Machine : http://www.hxjq-crushers.com/cooling-machine.html
Cement making plant : http://www.best-crushers.com/cementmill.htm


Significance of Cone Crusher for the Water Conservancy

In recent years, due to the urgency of the water conservancy construction, China has consciously risen the status of water conservancy construction to an important position in the national strategy. As we all know, the construction of water conservancy project construction requires a lot of aggregate, while cone crusher, sand making machine is the most commonly used artificial aggregates production equipment.
Insiders said that with the support of the national policy on water industry intensified, water conservancy sector will usher its "golden development period. This shows that a wide range of applications in the field of water conservancy construction cone crusher equipment, it will usher in a golden period of development.
It is reported that Chinese investment in water resources planning and protection are insufficient, resulting in many water conservancy facilities fell into disrepair, becoming serious pollution. Droughts and floods in China this year to some extent Water planning and construction is imminent. With the strong development of the water conservancy project, the application of the cone crusher is bound to be a rapid expansion.
Water conservancy increase protection of agricultural products in accordance with the stated objectives, especially to maintain the stability of agricultural production, is the most important, also will be the most aggressive. In the case of inflationary pressures continue to increase, it is expected that future water conservancy investment will double the growth in 2011 to reach about 400 billion to 500 billion yuan of scale, and the investment policies support the continuation of the long-term the decade total investment is expected to reach the number trillions. Invested such a huge project, around the water conservancy construction is bound to cause a fiery situation, then, cone crusher, sand making series of aggregates production equipment turn a policy to pull the market demand for high tide, cone crusher and other equipment manufacturers should ready as soon as possible to fill the vacancy of market demand.
Our company has always gone in accordance with the policy of the state, and insight into the market, so the heavy machine production equipment of our company have never backward, our heavy machine cone crusher have constantly updated and upgraded, which gradually become the main demand of the market!the heavy machine production cone crusher our company produced have the features of large crushing force, high efficiency, high handling capacity, low-cost action, easy adjustment, economic and other characteristics.

China sand washer : http://www.mine-crusher.com/sandwasher.htm

dryer drum : http://www.hxjqcrusher.com/crusher/cement-dryer.html
wet magnetic separator : http://www.ore-mills.com/magnetic-separator.html


How the Virtating Screen Sieve the Wet Materials

Recently, most regions of the country has entered the rainy season, the arrival of the rainy season makes some of the material easy wet, the vibrating screen is prone to be clogged when vibrating the wet materials ,because the wet materials have a certain viscosity,they bonded into a group or adhere to the screen surface to the otherclogged sieve,thus, the effective screening area of the screen surface is reudced , leading to the decline of screening efficiency ,and  the screening process is difficult to complete . So how the vibrating screen screen the wet materials?
The vibrating screen uses the transducer excitation generated by the multiplexed rotation vibration to work. Oscillator on the rotating weight make the screen surface plane do whirling vibration, while the lower rotating weight cone rotary vibration sieve surface, and their joint effect is the complex rotary-type vibration sieve surface. Vibration trajectory is a complex space curves. The curve in the horizontal projection is a round. Adjust the exciting force under rotating weight, and then you can change the amplitude.change the spatial phase angle under the weight,we can change the shape of the curve of the sieve surface trajectory ,and then change the trajectory of the screen surface material.
Main categories of vibrating screen are as follows: linear vibrating screen, high frequency vibrating screen, circular vibrating screen, vibration sieve, excitation-vibration sieve, ternary vibration sieve, variable frequency vibrating screen, probabilistic linear shaker arc shaped vibrating screen,the  playing arm vibrating screen.
Vibrating screen equipment since birth, over a long period of development, has been in continuous improvement and growing range of screening materials, some wet and the difficulty of screening materials, shaker difficult role to play, but after a Shanghai Hill Kai machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd. technical staff have been efforts, Hill Kai vibrating screen has been screening all kinds of materials and wet materials dry sieving.

Seiko collection assembly and load commissioning equipment required in the factory and check all indicators qualified only after the factory, equipment shipped to the scene, the user should be packing list and equipment invoices check the entire machineThe parts are complete technical documentation has flaws.
After the equipment arrived at the scene, they should not be directly rested on the ground, but should be smoothly placed in the flat sleepers, and the distance from the ground is required not less than 250mm . If they are stored in the open air,the anti-tarpaulin should be covered to prevent wind and rain erosion.

spiral separator : http://www.ore-mills.com/screw-classifier.html
Jaw crusher : http://www.crusher-export.com


Analysis of Mining Industry Future Development

With the accelerating process of mining, the underground mine is mined much deeper than before , and many open pit mines have begun to enter the underground mining. which means the ore mining will be more and more difficult, the need for large-scale mining equipment requirements are also increasing. And now the country is integrated coal mine planning into a pattern of small place, small-scale mining, the gradual conversion to the pattern of large-scale mines. The mountain climbers Heavy enterprise staff also lamented, mine development rapidly becomes higher requirements for mining machinery and equipment, they have to research more effort to design a better performance, more practicality strong mining machinery and equipment. Only the pace of development of mining equipment, in order to allow a more stable development of the China Mining. The essential equipments of mining are crusher, the mining crusher refers to the crushing machinery whose content is   more than 50% of the total content, the row compound particle size is greater than three millimeters. It is invented by British Hengan. according to the feeding and nesting size, the crushing operations are often divided into coarse crushing, medium crushing and crushing. The commonly used equipments are compound crusher, single stage hammer breaker, vertical crusher, gyratory crusher, roll crusher machines, double roll crusher, combo crusher, and so on.

As we all know, the society now is a "resource" type society, how to find a good exploitation of resources has also become a topic at home and abroad. on the one hand, national ore reserves, on the other hand we need to meet the demand of national mining. With the pace of mining, mineral processing equipment should further follow-up, the ore crushing gravel production line impact breaker, cone crusher created more and more high. The competitiveness of the domestic production of the mine series equipment manufacturers have to make to strengthen the job. Only the better quality of the domestic mining machinery plant equipment, the technology is better guaranteed to win in the competition and foreign manufacturers of mining machinery. Thus prosperity to the country's mining industry, rather than hundreds of millions of dollars of large mining equipment purchased from abroad.
Only under the conditions of the global, national market, and constantly adjust mine "need" and "seeking" to,can we ensure the mines in the country can smoothly and profitability survival . Of course, we hope more mineral products can be exported to foreign countries, the national economic construction will be more prosperity .

Jaw crusher : http://www.mine-crusher.com/jawcrusher.htm

symons cone crusher : http://www.ore-mills.com/cone-crusher.html
impact crusher : http://www.ore-mills.com/impact-crusher.html


Reason of the Impact Crusher Widely Applied

 In the field of ore crushing,the figure of impact breaker are  everywhere. It is normal that people will ask : why the impact breaker  can be applied so widely ? Our company found that, in fact, this is inseparable to the features of impact breaker itself .
The first point , when we use the impact crusher, its materials selection scale is much wider than the other crushing machine, as long as the materials of the particle size is not more than 500 mm ,these kinds of material can be used to be crush. In addition, if it is applied to rough broken , it can even crush the materials whose  diameter is two cubic meters . Impact crusher is such a kind of machine, crushing enterprises can either  use them to  conduct the rough broken, and can also be used for fine crushing, it is undoubtedly save the acquisition costs of machinery equipment.
At the same time, when this impact crusher is used for crushing materials ,  most of the finished products produced are in cubic shape. This kind of product meet the needs of many construction fields, such as highway pavement of high-grade construction, the construction of hydropower facilities are in need of strict construction materials, while the products of impact Crusher just meet this demand.
There is another point makes the  crushing enterprises favorite  impact crusher this kind of device,  that is  its simple structure, easy installation. When crushing enterprise use this Crusher, it is unnecessary to install the complex foundation ,we can simple install them . Even in way, the machine will not appear the phenomenon of vibrating when they work .  In addition, the simple structure principle also makes maintenance or repair operation workers can easily, and ensure the smooth production of company .

The crusher is widely used in mining, metallurgy, building materials, road, railway, water conservancy and chemical industry and many other sectors. Common crushing machines are winnowing mill, hammer crusher, impact crusher, roll crusher, compound crusher. Jaw crusher (jaw crusher), having large crushing ratio, uniform particle size, simple structure, reliable operation, easy maintenance, operating costs and economic characteristics. PF-I series impact crusher can process materials side length is 100 to 500 mm, the compressive strength is up to 350 MPa, great crushing ratio, cubic particles advantages of material was broken; PF-II series impact crusher machine, suitable for crushing hard materials, such as cement crusher, with a production capacity of the material advantages of small particle size.
With these excellent features, the impact crusher  is definitely favored by the impact crusher, and be widely used by the enterprises.
 spiral separator : http://www.ore-mills.com/screw-classifier.html
Raymond mill : http://www.mine-crusher.com/raymond-grinder.html